

Embedding good practices for food wastage avoidance by mobilising GreenCook Ambassadors and networking at a large scale

Partners must tackle two major challenges: upscaling the food saving actions demonstrated in the living labs, and raising high the profile of the GreenCook methods and tools over the NWE territory. Thanks to the Community of Practices 3 (CoP3), they will be made able to build a common dissemination and mobilisation strategy.

They will create and vitalise a transnational network of GreenCook Ambassadors. Those are either individuals or professionals involved in pilot projects (WP2): Champion households, social workers, chefs, caterers, canteen cooks, supermarket managers.

Once mastering appropriate messages, tools and working methods as regards food wastage avoidance, GreenCook Ambassadors will be mobilised to deliver them to communities of living and of interest over the territories, and to disseminate good practices by bearing witness before their peers. The aim is to create a positive emulation among their audience, thus helping new Ambassadors to be recruited in an on-going,spider net process. These new Ambassadors (social workers, cooking coaches for households, canteen/restaurant staff...) will be trained thanks to the programmes created (WP1).

In addition, testimonial video spots will be produced and broadcasted on TV and internet to support and illustrate the Ambassadors commitment.Those latter will embody the project’s objective for an enlarged audience, unfamiliar at first view with food wastage avoidance matters.

Partners will also put energy in creating favourable conditions and room to debate on food wastage avoidance with the general public.Citizens’parliaments, forums and blogs will be organised and encouraged to impulse a participative, bottom-up approach that will also help to improve partners knowledge about people’s attitudes, perceptions and behaviour as regards food wastage (WP1). Professional sectoral networks will moreover be activated to disseminate messages and good practices at a transnational level, thanks to a B to B strategy

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